Thursday, June 07, 2012

Get the BIG picture!

     It is amazing how easy it is for people to miss the point, Christians being no exception.  We are prone to do this because we don't learn, are not taught, to see the big picture.  We are seated in heavenly places, the Bible says, but we insist on the earthly view.   Take the cross of Christ for example.  Those with an earthly view will think of the cross has having to do with the forgiveness of their sins or something related to their personal comfort.  Yet, the Bible says Jesus hung on that cross, shed precious blood, that He might give us the Holy Ghost, the blessing of Abraham.   Jesus left glory, lived as a man, suffered the cross, bore the shame, bore the judgment of Almighty God, was buried and rose again for a purpose. The purpose was not just to save you, but save you so He could give you the Holy Ghost.  That is the big picture.

   The Holy Ghost is the "earnest", the beginning of our salvation, yet people think their salvation has to do only with forgiveness of sin or maybe heaven.  No, forgiveness, the new birth, etc., are all things necessary to be done in order to give you the Holy Ghost, the earnest, the beginning, the downpayment of your salvation.  How much of the "earnest" of you salvation have you received?  Enough to just feel better about the future? Enough to feel relief?  Have you put a cap on it and no longer seek it?  There is a reason we are to be filled continuously with the Spirit.  He is our salvation.  He is the result of the Cross.  He is the purchased possession.  And, He is like a RIVER from which we drink and drink and drink!  He is not to be described merely by what He did to you, once, somewhere in the past.  He is what He is.  Living Water!  To be continuously consumed.