Friday, March 19, 2010

Rain! Rain! Rain! Don't Go Away, Stay Another Day

     When the Spirit fell on those waiting disciples, Peter said this was that which the prophet Joel had spoken about.  Joel called it "rain" (Jo.2:23).  Those disciples were delirious, having received from heaven, the proof that the mission of Jesus was successful and that He was now Lord of Lords.  They looked drunk, praising God, and speaking in unknown tongues.  And, Peter did not deny they were drunk.  He said they were filled with the Holy Ghost.  He called it rain.  Joel called it rain.  The beauty of rain is that rain is  precisely the same in every nation, every generation.  Rain looks exactly now like it did two thousands years ago.  God knew, when He chose that term, that it could not be redefined easily.

   You can jump in it, just observe it, or even reject it but you can't change it.  Rain is rain!  People say "Oh yeah...I have the rain inside".  No, that is not what rain looks like. Rain hits the flesh. The Spirit was poured out over all flesh, not in all flesh. Oh, rain can get inside and do a work but rain touches the outside as well. Some will say "Oh I have the Holy Ghost, but I don't speak in tongues".  Wait! Wait!  That is not what rain looks like.  Some will say "If God wants me to have the rain, He will just dump it on me".  That is like standing at the kitchen window saying "if God wants me to get in that rain, He will just let it rain in my house".  Isn't gonna happen!

   Though men, in spite of the obvious, still deny and try to redefine the rain, the rain is pouring.  And, oh, it is goooooood!  As a boy, I loved playing in the rain.  It was big fun.  Now, I have found God's rain and find I still like playing in the rain.  Now, if you will, when you see people so full of the Spirit they appear drunk, you can say "that's rain".  When you see people praising God in tongues, you can say "that's rain". When you see believers dancing as if no one was watching, singing as if no one was listening, and worshipping as if nothing else mattered, you can say "mmmmh...must be raining".


Tara said...

WOO rain I've ever danced in! So thankful for you and Bev. Had an absolutely rip roaring time this past week. Got filled to the brim and boy did I need it. God Bless and thanks for listening to the Holy Spirit. Got the JOY and still swimmin.

Toni said...

Yes...thanx once again for coming to share the RAIN and the GLORY. Man that Jessica sure can sing!! Beautiful couple....make sure they come back.