Thursday, October 07, 2010

The Music God Loves

   Do you think God likes music?  Heaven will be filled with music. Even Jesus will sing to us there. Fifty times in the Bible we are commanded to "sing unto the Lord" . Part of the evidence of being filled with the Holy Ghost is that music flows. The evidence that the Word of God is dwelling in us richly is that music flows.   We are to come before His presence with singing (Ps. 100:2). So, I think God likes music.

So, if God likes music, what kind of music do you suppose He likes?  That, by the way,  it seems to me, should be the determining factor in deciding what kind of music we give to Him. Lets see if we can offer some ideas about what kind of music God might like.  And, let me say I am not going to list  good / excellent music since that is so subject to opinion and style.  I'll skip that one, other than to say that whatever we do unto the Lord, music or anything else, we should do heartily and do well.   Here are some other ideas about God's kind of music you might like to think about:

1.  Beautiful.  It is difficult to imagine, considering the glory of the Lord and the beauty of heaven, that music such as might be heard in heaven, would be anything but beautiful.
2.  Joyful. Considering that in the presence of the Lord there is fullness of joy, music that reflects joy must be something God likes.  God demands that we serve Him with gladness so our songs should reflect gladness.  The redeemed come  to God  singing and rejoicing, (Is. 51:11)
3. Love songs.  Songs that say "I love you" to Him.  What parent doesn't want to hear his child say "I love you".  As far as I am concerned, there are not enough of these kind of songs.
4. Thanksgiving & Praise.  If we are to come into His presence with thanksgiving and praise, (and we are) then songs that express those things must be important to God.
5. Psalms & hymns.  We are commanded to admonish and instruct each other in "psalms" (the Word put in song) and "hymns", (testimonies of God's goodness in song). God said do it, so He must enjoy it. 
6. Spiritual songs.  These are songs from within our spirit, sang in the language of our spirit (tongues). These are non-carnal / non-natural songs. These are melodies of the spirit.  This kind of music marked the Azuza street outpouring and as well, the charismatic outpouring beginning in the sixties.  These are the melodies of the heart / spirit we are to sing unto the Lord.  God loves to hear us speak / sing in a language only He understands.   
7. Songs with grace unto the Lord.  These are songs that express our favor directly to Him.  So many of the songs we sing these days do not speak directly to God. They may be about Him but not to Him. And, so many of them reflect His grace toward us, but not our grace toward Him.
8. Prophetical.  This is not the same as singing in tongues, as some suppose. This is not a song predicting the future. This is not someone adlibing a song in a spirit of praise., which some might call prophetical. This is a song or an artist singing a song and the anointing and power on that song, perhaps that voice,  lifts you  straight into a state of worship and a sense of the reality of the Lord.  Revelations says the "testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy".  Every now and then, someone captures this anointing and when they do it jars the spirit to wake up and worship.  This is a prophetical song.
9. Major keys.  Minor keys, as opposed to major keys, in music, are used to express discordant, whining, sorrowful, sad, rejected feelings. Rejected Israel specializes in minor key songs, expressing their much sorrow. Some people think, since Israeli type music is most often in minor keys, it somehow must be spiritual and they identify with it that way. Actually, sick children speak in minor keys. Bill Clinton spoke in a minor key. Most creatures, except man, speaks in minor keys. Man is the only creature that can choose to sing in a major key.  Believers have nothing to whine about. We should celebrate and use music that reflects that celebration. God has asked that we come to Him rejoicing. 
10. HarmoniousThe Bible says if two "agree" touching anything on earth, it will be done.  The word "agree" is the word for symphony, denoting harmonious musical parts coming together.  Different notes same song.  It is why a song, with the good harmony touches the heart so easily. God loves harmony in how we live together, work together and, I believe, sing together.

  Now, what kind of music do you suppose God does not like?  I can think of a few.  Complaining, whining songs.   Songs that are so reflective of the natural man that they have no spiritual connection. Songs that so reflect some wicked element of society, which, though popular, does not reflect an affinity with the Kingdom of God but rather that wicked element.  God has made it clear He does not want us to identify with the world, but rather with the Kingdom of God.  If we mind the things of the world, the carnal man, it becomes an enmity between us and God. I can't imagine God liking songs sang for spiritual reasons, that are not true. And, in my opinion, I can't imagine God being pleased when all our music is about us and none about Him.   The truth is, before his ejection from heaven, Lucifer hovered over the thrown of God. There was said to be music in him, perhaps meaning his job was to make music for God. Knowing this, and knowing approaching God requires music, you can rest assured, there is war over music. That means to me, that we should be paying attention to the matter.  "Sing unto the Lord"

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